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Today we have released part one of our two part podcast on dementia. In this episode, we go through what dementia is, what causes it, who can develop dementia, what other things may have similar symptoms to dementia, what are the different types of dementia, and what to do if you think you might have memory problems including the current pathway we refer patients through who might have memory problems.

We also run through a dementia screening test in the episode so you can hear what it sounds like.

Part two will be coming in the next few weeks and we hope to be joined by the team from Dementia UK during the next episode, so do make sure you keep an ear out and are subscribed to be the first to know when we go live with that episode.

In the meantime, to contact Dementia UK have a look at their website here.

Have a listen to the episode in season 2 on our podcast page or you can hear it here:

8 February 2021