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Flu immunisations for 50-65 year olds 2020/2021

You may have seen in the press about the next stage of the 2020/2021 NHS influenza immunisation programme, specifically that patients aged between 50 and 65 who have not had a flu immunisation this season will be eligible to receive one from December 2020.

If you would like to have a free NHS flu immunisation and you are aged between 50 and 65 and have not had one from any other provider this season then please can you let us know and express your interest? We are looking at providing a clinic for you and need to establish the numbers to best organise this.

If you would like one, please either use our eConsult service to let us know or alternatively you can email us at [email protected] and put “FLU” as the subject line.

You can also hear our updated podcast episode here:

20 November 2020