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Would you like to stop smoking? We can help.

With Stoptober around the corner, this week’s podcast with LiveWell Dorset focuses on stopping smoking.

Throughout September 2020, we have teamed up with LiveWell Dorset and ActiveDorset to bring you a month of special podcasts covering some of the great ways LiveWell Dorset and Active Dorset can help you.

LiveWell Dorset is a free service provided by Public Health Dorset. They are able to support people on their journey to become happier and healthier with free advice and coaching concentrating on losing weight, moving more, stopping smoking and drinking less. We know that these 4 behaviours all have an impact on both our short and long term health.

For the fourth and final of these special podcasts, we are once more joined by Steve del Rosa who discusses stopping smoking with us, why we should stop, how to stop, and how to overcome those barriers that stop us stop smoking!

You can hear the podcast on our podcast page or you can hear it here:

closeup photo of cigarette butt

30 September 2020